Tuesday, March 30, 2010

2 Minutes On Each Side and Serve

I'm feeling a little raw today.
It's one of those can a sista get ahead, catch a break, feel some love, get a hug, a genuine hey how you doin' with no pretense of needing something on the back end of that hello you just gave, can a sista get something other than a fuck you?

I'm feeling a little raw today.
I get up every day and stretch. I said I get up every day and I stretch as I try to break the sleep off of me. Then my smile at thanking God for another day begins to fade as the realities of what my day entails begins to unfold around me.

Get up, quit hitting that snooze. The job you hate but pays your bills you have to get to. What do I do, I get there late. Is it on purpose, am I really that much of a slacker? No, I have crowism in the morning. It doesn't have to be shiney or new, it just has to divert my attention for a second that turns into minutes. I'm LATE! Zoom, zoom I race to work. I'm here. Take this call, do this, do that, can you, can you, can you? Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes and an extra yes for good measure.

Did you hear what I said?

I'm feeling a little raw today.

FICA has been in my business since I was 15 and now The Terminator is in my business too. What they want with me? Can I get a dinner, a dance, some flowers or something before you play massa and slave with me?

If you still ain't feeling me, I SAID

I'm feeling a little raw today.

I've spent a hundred thousand dollars and then some teaching myself to teach. I'm all done but the jobs are scarce and even if I'm hired, I'll be the first fired. I throw my head back and laugh at that. I laugh a long hardy laugh. Follow the rules, do this, do that, you teach them poor lil chil'rens o'er dere cause we don't know what to do with all the different shades of brown but uh check this out, after you prove to us that you can follow OUR rules do what WE say give us all YOUR money can you teach them brown shades for free?

I'm feeling a little raw today.

Gas is high, mortgages are high, hair processing is high, interest rates are high, my weight is high, my blood pressure is high, my sugar is high, my chloesterol is high, my pisstivity is high...hell I wish I was high -- on a mountain top.

High in the heavens, enjoying what God has given me; whatever, wherever so I don't have to

feel a little raw today.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Wish I was allergic

When you are allergic to something, you avoid it like it's the plague. For instance, I'm allergic to alligator pears. I get this strange taste in my mouth and I feel like I'm going to hurl everything I've eaten in the last week and pass out at the same time. So when I'm eating out I ALWAYS make sure there is no avo in my food, no guacamole, NONE of it! Sometimes to punctuate my allergy I tell the waitress/waiter that I will own the place after I finish suing if there is any in my food. What? I say it with a smile. I'm never a bitch about it, hell I don't want my server "contaminating" my food in any fashion. I'm even good about policing for others too. I have a student that can't have red dye, I check every single edible thing he is handed and he helps me check too. Even things I don't know he has, he'll come to me and say, "Miss J, dis has wred dye in it." He's in first grade cut the baby some slack, with his cute little freckled self. lol My cousin has food allergies and I find it funny that sometimes when she's questioning the waitress/waiter about something she wants to order, I watch them grow annoyed with her. That's when I get pissed and make it clear that she has an extreme food allergy and they BETTER get it right! Big dummy Lamont! Not everyone that questions the menu is being difficult, DUH! See I just get really sick (or my throat itches and swells a lil) she could die.

People with food allergies are on top of their game, we stay away, stay away, stay away but often times there are people in our life that are like the plague but we do not stay away. Some we can't cause they're related. So there will always be some kind of family gathering where you have to be around that person or persons. But those that we aren't related to, especially the ones that might have carried the title of boy/girlfriend, significant other, lover these are the ones that we might be allergic to but can't seem to stay away from, why the hell is that?

I just got some bad news today. I need a hug, just a long tight hug, no words and the person I'm allergic to is the first person that came to mind. He is the only person to come to mind. What the hell, I'm allergic! I don't get hungry and say hmmm I want an avocado, honeydew, or cantalope. The truth of the matter is he knows me and he gets me. He calls me on my shit and I definitely ALL of his (good LAWD he's got A LOT). None of that matters though, I'm allergic. I'm allergic to him 100%. So now I need a hug because of the news I read today and because I'm allergic to my panacea. This is some bull! Dear Murphy's Law, you suck! Cause that's what this is a case of: allergies and Murphy's Law.

Wait, there is someone else. I'm not allergic but I wish I was. He's not allergic either but I wish he was. He doesn't want to be allergic but needs to be.

I think too much! First it was what I read, then it was my allergy and now it's what I need to be allergic too. I need to go to sleep, tomorrow is a new day.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I'm a hypocrit I know but watch your mouth anyway!

Okay so I was trying to get some work done after fucking around on FB today. I can't help it, I've re-connected with a few old elementary school friends this week. Anyway the reason I'm writing now is because I'm irked (as usual). People say some dumb ass shit and expect others to not be offended. Okay so wait let me address the hypocrit in my title--see, I talk shit, always have and always will. But I don't call people honkies, sand niggers, wetbacks, dago, wops, etc etc behind their backs and since I have friends that are the come from the very ethnic groups that those vile epithets are uttered about but I DO NOT use them. So I'm really going to need all of YOU to stop using them too. I can't ask you strangers. Wait, yes I can so I'm asking politely but to you my friends, my extended family I am DEMANDING that you knock that shit off! It's not cute and you offend me every time you say the N word if I hear you say it or not. Okay so that's what pissed me off last week and I kept it to myself but now this is what pissed me off today, about ten minutes ago.

A "beloved" friend of mine posted this on his FB (and comments too):
Christian Dulay OOHHHHHHH KAY - you know I love my gym posts...... I saw a BIG OLE girl in the yoga room today practicing HULA Dancing, full on, hips, hands, arms all the effects.....Either way it reminded I haven't eaten barbecued pork in a while.
about an hour ago · Comment ·LikeUnlike · View Feedback (7)Hide Feedback (7)
Staci Irish likes this.

Kelly Smart-Fujii
LOL Don't talk about my hula like that.
about an hour ago

Carol Lynn Crawford Rowe
That is funny, but it is also mean! At least she was moving, unlike so many riding the automated shopping carts in WalMart.
58 minutes ago

Christian Dulay
@ Carol yeah that's two bad things, Wal-mart and possibly a visible panty line from the rear as it beep beeep beeps past you.
22 minutes ago

Nicole Joseph
Please don't make me slap the taste out your mouf!
20 minutes ago ·

Christian Dulay
10 minutes ago

Nicole Joseph
Not laughing over here!
6 minutes ago ·

That BIG OLE GIRL could of been ME he was talking about! That woman in the lark could of been ME at WalMart (okay Target cause I hate Wally world). The thing is no one knows what ails a person. Just because someone is overweight doesn't mean they are lazy. I was and am active the whole time I've gained my weight. But add a few car accidents mixed in with the weight gain and fuck yeah my back hurts. Did I mention that I'm far from flat chested as well and always have been, pre-weight gain--so I was destined to have back problems!! Oh yeah and one of my legs is short than the other. Apparently not noticeable to me or you but various massage therapists and my chiro have pointed it out. It's enough to add stress to my already stressed out back and tailbone. So when I can't, I need to rest, give me a second my back hurts, that's what the fuck I mean! IT IS KILLING ME. It's a momentarily debilitating pain that makes my lower back and tail bone spasm and sometimes my leg draw up as if I'm a flamingo. So I completely understand ANY person (big or small) riding around in a scooter in the store. It's none of my business and hopefully they could give a shit that I empathize and bravo to the BIG OLE GIRL that was getting her hula on! Hula is an excellent exercise and she's obviously doing something she loves and that works for her.

So I need all of you "perfect" people to watch your fucking mouth and shut your rude ass' up! Oh wait, your not perfect. God is perfect, that's right I dared type God in this potty mouth ladden blog. God is perfect not you so think about that next time you spread your filthy negativity around cause it's not always in good fun or good taste!

(Holy shit, I'm growing up! Look at that!)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Introduce yourself no way, Introduce yourself okay

My name is Nicole hey and I am proud hey to pump the crowd hey...okay enough of THAT!

So let me tell you how this is going to work. I am going to write and you are going to read. You are going to reflect, you are going to laugh hell you might even cry. While I am in education there won't be too much grammatical correctness here. This is my niche to be as free form and flowing as I choose to be. If you don't like it KICK ROCKS, not like I invited you here in the first place. Okay so some of you I may have but for you, the random stranger, you can leave (if you don't like it otherwise pull up a chair have a seat). It's not for you to understand. It's for me to express my happiness, my sadnes and any whimsical musings I feel like. So basically not only will the posts be random but the text within the body of the posts will be random too. BUCKLE UP!